Empowering family members and communities with life transforming skills and hope, through workshops and evidence-based programs at no charge

Empowering family members and communities with life transforming skills and hope, through workshops and evidence-based programs at no charge

Family Connections Program

Evidence-based program for family and friends of those with emotion dysregulation

Family Connections
See ALL Walk Details

Expert Education Series

Hear from international experts in the field of emotion dysregulation and related mental health issues

Expert Ed Series

March 10 is Sashbear’s Mindfulness Day

Each year on March 10, we celebrate the birthday of Lynn and Mike’s daughter, Sasha, with a day of mindfulness. This day is all about grounding ourselves in the present and celebrating the beauty of the here and now. It is a day dedicated to cultivating awareness, compassion, and balance in our lives. This helps us to be effective and reduces our suffering.

For Mindfulness Day 2024, we compiled a video featuring Sashbear volunteers showcasing diverse ways they incorporate mindfulness into their daily routines. There are many ways to be mindful. Finding what works for you and remembering to do it is important. We hope this video inspires you to be more mindful in your own life.

Sashbear in the News

(click on logos to view/listen)

2024 Sashbear Walk


This organization provides support to families dealing with self-harm – Breakfast TV

Communicating with loved ones struggling with mental health – Adam Walsh, CBC Radio