Expert Education Series

Sashbear’s Expert Education Series is a series of free, online, monthly presentations with international experts speaking on topics related to emotion dysregulation and family skills.

Whether you are a relative or friend, a person with lived experience of BPD, or a mental health service provider, you will find something in our library of presentations to help you understand more about BPD and emotion dysregulation.

Upcoming Presentations

Dr. Christine Dunkley

Wed., August 28, 6:30pm ET. (SPECIAL TIME)

The Dialectics of Emotion Regulation

An introduction to the DBT theory of emotion regulation and how it helps in everyday life. Why emotions get too big and how to increase or decrease their intensity.

Christine Dunkley has been with the British Isles DBT Training team since 2006, and is now a consultant trainer and Director of Applied Research and Training.
She started her social work degree in 1978 and worked in the NHS as a medical social worker and psychological therapist for 30 years, until she retired in 2012. During her career she undertook training in counselling and DBT, and did a doctorate in clinical practice at the University of Southampton School of Health Sciences, studying emotional pain communication from suicidal patients.
Christine was the first chair of the Society for DBT of the UK and Ireland in 2012. She received a Fellowship of the society in 2016 and is a Vice President. Christine has taught on over 50 DBT intensive trainings, and hundreds of workshops, making her one of the most prolific DBT trainers internationally. She has taught to audiences across the world, and at home wrote the component for the NHS training for Mental Health Wellbeing Practitioners. She is well known for her top tips and has 19 thousand followers on LinkedIn, making her a popular podcast guest.
She has over 30 published items including the books Teaching Clients to use Mindfulness Skills Dunkley C, and Stanton, M. Routledge 2013, and Regulating Emotion the DBT Way. Dunkley C. Routledge 2020. Her paper Hearing the Suicidal Patient’s Emotional Pain. Dunkley et al, Crisis 2018 topped the publisher’s ‘most read’ chart for 6 months.


Dr. Jo Henderson

Wed., September 25, 7pm ET

Making system change happen through partnership: what we have learned and continue to learn

Dr. Jo Henderson is Scientific Director of the McCain Centre for Child, Youth and Family Mental Health at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and Professor of Psychiatry at University of Toronto. Dr. Henderson is also Executive Director of Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario, one of Canada’s leading Integrated Youth Services initiatives.
Dr. Henderson’s passion and research focuses on improving access to care, service experiences and outcomes with and for youth with substance use and mental health concerns and their families. Dr. Henderson is committed to youth and family engagement, equity-focused approaches, partnership, knowledge exchange, and continuous learning.
Dr. Henderson currently leads multiple projects across Canada that focus on strengthening youth systems of care through amplifying youth voices, building cross-sectoral networks of community partners, and building data governance models that are equity focused and centre youth perspectives.


Dr. Leila Guller

Wed., October 30, 7pm ET

BPD and Substance Abuse

Leila Guller, PhD, is a therapist at the 3East Residential Programs. Dr. Guller’s clinical work is primarily with young people struggling with borderline personality disorder and risky behaviors. Her research background is in adolescent addictive behaviors.
Dr. Guller completed her graduate training at University of Kentucky. She completed her post-doctoral training at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Recordings of Recent Presentations

Coming soon—Human Connection 101: Building the Foundation for a Happier & Healthier Life

What Do I Do with All of MY Emotions? Supporting Parents So Their Emotions Do Not Get in the Way
BPD and Stigma
Mentalization: Utilizing Reflection to Heal From Borderline Personality Disorder
Library of Recorded Presentations

Explore our library of more than 25 presentations. We are adding more all the time. Head over to YouTube to start learning.

Explore our Library of Expert Education Presentations on YouTube

Topics include:

  • Lived experience — living with borderline personality disorder
  • Skills for family members — learning about dialectical thinking, relationship mindfulness, validation, and more
  • Mental health disorders — what does emotional dysregulation look like when someone also has another mental health disorder such as PTSD or OCD
  • Concerning behaviours — Gain understanding and skills to cope if your loved one is dealing with substance use, self-harm, or an eating disorder
  • Trauma — Learn about the intersection of trauma and BPD. Recognize the potential and impact of trauma on family members
  • Suicide, grief and loss
  • Evidence-based treatment modalities — Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Mentalization Based Therapy, Radically Open DBT, Mindfulness
  • Indigenous cultural safety and awareness

Featured Presentations

Understanding Emotion Dysregulation
Finding Balance Through Dialectics
DBT Skills for Family Members
Watch more Expert Education Presentations on YouTube